Simple And Effective Methods To Remove Pet Urine Smell And Stains From Carpet

Pets are very good and sweet friends but they can create lots of mess in your home. And, if you have a carpet in your home then it can be a nightmare for you. Pets can urinate anywhere and anytime in your home, so it can be bad luck if they urinate on your carpet. Even if you trained them there are still chances of accidents happening up on your carpet, so, will you clean them safely so that they do not leave any stains behind.  Here at Carpet Cleaning Mount Barker, we deliver remove pet urine smell and stain from carpet.

Pet Urine Smell
Pet Urine Smell

So, in this article, we will discuss some simple and effective methods to remove pet urine smell and stains from carpets.

Pet Pee On The Carpet

There can be many reasons for your pet pee on your carpet. Might be their stomach is upset or any other problem they are having inside. If you are training your pet to urinate in the potty tub, then, that’s a good thing you are doing, as it will decrease the chances of accidental urination on the carpet by your pet. But, still, training will take time, till then, there are high possibilities that you have to deal with your pet’s urine. For training your pet faster you can hire a certified trainer who will train your pet very early.

Some pets face stomach inconsistency while growing up. In that case, you should get your pet checked up by an animal doctor. On the other hand, you should also notice that your pet pees in the same spot on your carpet every time. If yes, then, you seriously need to be strict with your pet as it makes it a habit to urinate there. Peeing on the same spot can lead to the occurrence of a bad smell. Even the pets do urine on the place from where they get the smell of their pee scent, so you should always make sure while cleaning that no stain or bad odor remains.

Pet Stain Cleaning Tools You’ll Need To Get Started

Scrubbing is not the right thing to do with your carpet to get rid of stains. So, to remove pet urine smells and stains from the carpet you need to have the required cleaning tools which help to remove stains from the carpet. And, I also need to take care of my hygiene.

  • Wear rubber gloves
  • Use paper towel
  • Use distilled white vinegar
  • You also need an empty spray bottle to store the vinegar solution
  • Baking soda
  • Dish sponge
  • Trash can

Let’s see what are the 5 steps to remove pet urine smells and stains from carpet:

  • Soak Up The Urine: Use a paper towel to soak the moisture with the blotting technique.
  • Apply Distilled White Vinegar And Water: Make a mixture solution of water and vinegar. Then, spray it all over the affected area.
  • Let It Sit: Let the water and vinegar solution sit for some time so that it works effectively.
  • Ensure That All Odors Are Done: Use baking soda to get rid of strong bad odors.
  • Vacuum: When you see that the spotted area is dried, do vacuum the area thoroughly.


So, these are the ways to remove pet urine smells and stains from the carpet. Follow the steps and get rid of your pet’s urine stains. Reach us via calling on 0864 909 791 or by filling out the form below.

DIY Hacks for Bleach Stain Removal From Your Carpet

Yes, we know that the first thing that comes to mind when you find a bleach stain on your carpet is to search for the best DIY hacks. In fact, most of the searches are about the “DIY hacks for bleach stain removal from your carpet” topic. Hence, we came up with the most useful DIY hacks to help you in any possible way. So, make sure to not make any plans like replacing the carpet and instead take our knowledge in DIY hacks to implement the tricks. Because this way you can save your carpet from having the worst nightmares. 

Quick DIYs Hacks To Get Rid Of Bleach Stains From Carpet 

  • Hair Dye 

Is your carpet dark in colour and the bleach stains on it are clearly visible? Then this is your chance to use your hair dye on the carpet. Because hair dye works great on bleach stains on your carpet. To implement this hack, you need to take a small fibre of carpet from the stairs and find a suitable hair dye kit for it. In fact, when you apply hair dye to the bleach stains it slowly turns the carpet into black colour. However, this is just a part of the process and there is nothing to be worried about. Quickly after applying hair dye on stains, use a quality blow-dryer to speed up the drying process. The final result is that the hair dye dries to give the exact carpet colour. 

  • Vinegar

In addition to getting rid of dirt, mould, and odours from the carpet vinegar can get rid of bleach stains too. Because vinegar is considered the best hack for bleach spots and stains. So, if your choice is to go with vinegar hack for bleach stains removal, then you opted for one of the best neutralizers. Because vinegar balances the bleach stains and gets rid of them in such a way that residual damage will also not be there. The process for using vinegar is, to add ¼ cup of vinegar to 1 cup of water and allow them to mix. Sprinkle this solution onto the bleach stains and ensure all carpet fibres are wet but not carpet. Later, use a damp cloth to blot dry the carpet. Repeat this process until you find no more bleach stains on your carpet. 

  • Acrylic Paint

There are tons of painting options on the basis of the bleach stain and the size of the carpet. However, common DIY hacks for bleach stain removal from your carpet is to use acrylic paints. Check for any loose fibres in the carpet and bring them to a nearby store to purchase matching acrylic paint. After that, mix this paint with water and apply the mixture onto each and every fibre of the carpet. Yes, this hack can be time-taking but most likely worthy too. But the important thing you need to note down is to paint the carpet lightly as too much pain can cause stiffness. Note- make sure to paint in sunlight. 

  • Crayon 

Besides using hair dye and acrylic paint, you have other options too if you want to get rid of bleach stains in the shortest time possible. So, first, take out a crayon and make sure it is close to the colour of your carpet. Then take the crayon and gently colour it into the fibres of the carpet going so far as to colouring every fibre. But if you find the crayon used area darker than the other, use a damp white cloth to lighten them. For this, you can gently rub the coloured area to remove some of the colours there and blend them in. Again separate the fibres and wipe them off completely with the extra colour until you get the satisfied results. 

  • Soapy Water Mixture

To use this DIY hack, first make sure you are ready with paper towels, warm water and mild dish soap. So, the process begins with dampening the towel and then dabbing it on bleach stains. Then make a mixture of 1 cup of warm water with ¼ teaspoon of mild dish soap and this over bleach stains. Blot the area using paper towels to lift the stains off the carpet. Now, give your wet carpet a chance to naturally dry to show the best and most satisfying results. To completely get rid of the blemish you can rinse the area with water using a paper towel. 


What is your plan if DIY hacks for bleach stain removal from your carpet will not give you the results you are looking for? Look for professionals! Experts from professional, experienced, well-known and skilled companies know how to tackle not just bleach stains but any others. Because DIY hacks can go wrong but help from experts venture will not. In fact, when you book a timeslot for carpet cleaning services, your carpet is bound to get thoroughly assessed. Only after that do experts get on the cleaning method your carpet needs. So, be worry-free about carpet damages during services, fibres getting out of the carpet, etc.